I am in the process of taking a leap of faith....working on living the life I envision for myself.
I am participating in an
e~course given by Marisa (from
Creative Thursday) and her beau Sean. They are teaching the course from Paris, where they are actualizing their dream of living in Paris for a month.
The first step in our journey is asking the question of myself......"What is it that I really want to do?"
And how can I find the courage to take action and embrace change.
I have so many small things that I am fearful of.....just keeping up with writing in this blog is a big leap for me.
Here is my list of things I want to do:
~Live smaller.
~Take Yoga classes.
~Sell most of my extra vintage stuff left over from my shop Decades Ago~Go.
~Ride my bike a lot.
~Expand my lines of jewelry so that I can wholesale to galleries (maybe!!).
~Be more organized.
~Travel to Italy with John.
~Eat more vegetables.
~Create more one of a kind jewelry.
~Set more stones.
~Wake up earlier.
~Loose a few pounds (I thought I would add this to the list!!).
~Journal and write morning pages daily.
~Unplug the rabbit ears on the TV.
~Apply to more local craft shows.
~Blog regularly.
~Take more pictures and figure out how to print and organize them.
I am sure more ideas will come to me as the weeks go by.

I have chosen to focus these next few weeks on committing to creating more one~of~a~kind jewelry pieces.
I would like to spend the time to make jewelry with more components, stones, handmade chain & extra detail.
I have the skills to do it but feel like I don't give myself the space and time to create really special pieces.
Is it fear? Why do I feel stuck creatively? I will be exploring my fears and working towards making this exciting change in my life and work.
Marisa and Sean posed the question "Do you feel like most people in your life are doing what it is they really want to be doing?
Are they living their dreams?
I wanted to ask, are you?
Would you like to come along with me to Paris and take a leap into one of your dreams?
I appreciate you reading this and coming along with my on my journey.