What is your favorite quote?
"Maybe our favourite quotations say more about us
than about the stories and people we're quoting."
~ John Green
A few weeks ago I came across this quote in short blog post named Wisdom by Alison "TeenAngster" ..... it rang so true to me.
While most memorable quotes have a universal appeal,
we tend to find them just when we need them.
That day I decided to participate in this months
Blog-o-Sphere Think Tank,
so that I could share one of my favorite quotes by Anais Nin
and why I connect to it.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
~Anais Nin
Nature has so many lessons to teach me when I pay attention......
Flowers are one of the natural wonders of the world I learn from and love to investigate & reflect upon.
When I read this quote by Anais Nin the first time, it made me think
that the blossoming of a flower is akin to becoming the best version of myself that I could possibly be.
Blossoming is a natural process, each petal revealing a part of my self.
While complex and layered, I would like to allow my blossoming to just happen freely.
No longer do I want to hold tight to old ways of being that keep me stuck. I do not want to be bound by the idea that I "should be" a certain way instead of revealing who I really am inside.
I want to continue to take the risk of blossoming.....a life long unfolding of all of my petals, that reveals my beauty.
When I add flowers to my jewelry designs, I often have this idea in mind and use flowers as a representation
of constant growth (or blossoming as a person).
:: Follow the links of my fellow Blog-o-Sphere Think Tankers
to enjoy inspiring Quotes & discussion.
:: May's participants in the Blog-o-sphere Think Tank ::
Andes Cruz: http://www.andescruz.wordpress.com/
Brad Severtson: http://hammeringoutaliving.blogspot.com/
Kathleen Krucoff: http://mysticalmythicalmetalwork.wordpress.com/
Wendy Kelly: http://www.wendykianakelly.com/
Mary Spencer: http://www.wattoonline.com/news
Stephanie Clark: http://thethinkingsofacoldweathergirl.blogspot.com/
Barbara Donovan: http://barbaradonovan.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Shaun Young: http://shaunyoung.ca/
Kathryn Cole: http://www.kathryncolejewelry.blogspot.com/
Natsuko Hanks: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
more flower photos from my neighborhood....