A wonderful group of artists who are blogging each month on a specific topic. The leader of the pack is Andes Cruz: www.andescruz.wordpress.com This month's topic is "best childhood/ younger years memory".
I have been thinking and thinking all month
about growing up in Miami in the 70s,
my best friends, my neighborhood...
The ONE best memory is so difficult to come up with.
I have an overall feeling that keeps popping up, it is the feeling of freedom,
just being a kid.
I grew up in South Miami, Florida, part of a family of four. My childhood home was on a beautiful lake.
As a kid I was always outside.
Swimming, riding my bike, making hiding places under trees & lighting mini bon fires at the canal's edge.
I would pack my suit case and climb one of the trees in my yard and just hang out for the day.
Just the feeling of being outside in the sunshine, playing all day is my best childhood memory.
Here is the view from my childhood backyard in Florida....
Now I live in Philadelphia. When I was walking in the Wissahickon Valley Park this week with my dog I felt that feeling again.....the one of being free, in nature. That is when it occurred to me that I try to recreate that feeling
I had as a kid.
As a grown up, I get outside and walk.
I let all of my worries go and just enjoy being.
Photos of the Woods ::
:: Creatives writing this month ::
Andes Cruz: http://www.andescruz.wordpress.com
Kathleen Krucoff http://mysticalmythicalmetalwork.wordpress.com/
Wendy Kelly: http://www.wendykianakelly.com/
Stephanie Nocito Clark http://thethinkingsofacoldweathergirl.blogspot.com/
Brad Severtson: http://hammeringoutaliving.blogspot.com/
Andrea Bell: http://feathersfreesiasandfishingtackle.blogspot.com/
Natsuko Hanks: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
Shaun Young: http://shaunyoung.ca/
Pal Gooz: http://pmgart.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/